3 min read

What are OCD Sub Types?

What are OCD Sub Types?
Obsessive Compulsive Sub Types

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I wanted to create a video on OCD sub types because a lot of the reason that people don't get help with OCD is that they simply don't recognize that they have OCD. Because the general public has a limited view of what they believe OCD to be because of depicts people have from movies and Hollywood and Things like that. So when people think of OCD they think of the "germaphobe" who is compulsively washing their hands or going through this hour long showering ritual. Or peoples' brains go to the TV show "Monk" who is doing these ritualistic behaviors over and over again. And there is part of that within the OCD diagnosis and symptoms but there is a lot more to it and talking about sub types of OCD really helps people broaden their understanding of what OCD can look like.

So one of first things I wanted to share is that when we are talking about "sub tpyes" this isn't actually a clinical definition. The DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) doesn't actually talk about sub types of OCD, they only talk about specifiers of OCD being how insightful somebody is in to understanding whether their thoughts are rational or irrational. But sub types of OCD are used by therapists, doctors and people who struggle with OCD just as a language to better talk about the theme of their obsessions are. So I wanted to go through a couple of those just so people could have a broader understanding of what OCD can look like.

So stereotypical contamination OCD is the idea that people have in their head when they think about the "germaphobe." The obsession is about this fear of touching something that feels "germy," a contaminated surface (i.e. like a garbage can, bathrooms, bathroom stalls, toilet hands, sink faucets) it can also be bodily fluids (i.e. blood, feces, sperm, urine). That can all come into contamination OCD where there is a fear that coming into contact with these things leads to getting sick or dying or even just the physical discomfort and feeling totally grossed out by having the sensations of gross, gritty, slimy sensations on your body and feeling like you can't get rid of them.

Another sub type of OCD is "Just Right" OCD. This is what I think about when talking about the show "Monk," where this guy needs to feel just right. So you'll see their depiction of OCD with this character of this guy who continues to clear his throat over and over again or continue to tap on different signs or street lamps. More for this physical sensation sensation that his body "feels right" when is body does those compulsions.

The next one is Magical Thinking. Whenever I talk to my clients about Magical Thinking OCD, I always relate it back to that childhood superstition "step on a crack, break your momma's break." This mentality or obsession is that my thoughts or behaviors are somehow negatively impacting something that I could never control on my own. So for most clients, the most common fear is that I am going to do something in this room (i.e. touch my phone or have a "bad" thought) and that it will somehow going to put my family or loved ones' safety in jeopardy.

Sexual Orientation and Pedophila are definitely other sub types of OCD. The fear is that I might be attracted to somebody of the same gender if I am heterosexual and people who are homosexual are afraid that they will be attracted to someone of the different gender. Pedophila OCD is the fear that I will be attracted to a minor and have this inappropriate sexual attraction. And the fear is that I am doomed into this and can't shake these feelings. There is this feeling of being destined to eventually commit this sexual act that I really don't want.

The last one that I wanted to cover with you guys is Relationship OCD. A lot of my clients come in seeking my help with relationship obsessions. This fear is usually about being caught in the wrong relationship; wondering, "Am I attracted to my partner enough?" "Do I have the right feelings?" "Is it all going to work out?" "How do I know if I start dating now that it will all work out and we will have this happily ever after relationship?"

So if any of this sounds like something you could be struggling with please reach out to me . I am happy to have a free 15 minute phone call with you to see if we are a good match.